The Difference Between B2B And B2C Marketing Strategies

Before discussing the differences between B2B and B2C marketing strategies, let’s first equate perceptions of the meaning of Business to Business (B2B) and Business To Customer (B2C). There are two basic types of business, namely Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C). So Business to Business or B2B are transactions that occur between one business and another. In contrast, Business to Customer or B2C is a transaction between a business and a direct customer.

What Are B2B And B2C?

B2B stands for business-to-business. We can describe these businesses as having products/services whose customers have other companies. Their marketing is dedicated to customers’ needs, interests, and challenges making purchases on behalf of their company, not for themselves. Here are some examples of B2B in action:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software service sells a tool to help the sales department in a company. 
  • Social Media Agency specializes in providing consulting services and marketing sales strategies to companies that need to sell their products. 
  • A computer procurement company that specializes in supplying computers to offices in need.

B2C stands for business-to-consumer. It describes a business that sells products/services whose customers are direct individual consumers. Therefore, all business marketing is dedicated to people’s needs, interests, and challenges in everyday life. Here are some examples of B2C in action:

  • A facial care company sells face masks, body lotions, and bath soaps to individuals.
  • Food product companies sell to individuals and families.
  • A movie platform that sells premium movie streaming subscriptions to individuals.

Understanding B2B And B2C Marketing Strategies

A marketing strategy is the entire marketing plan to reach people and turn them into customers for the products or services.  The marketing strategy must communicate the company’s value to customers and how the company can provide the best solutions according to customer needs.

Overall, the marketing strategy provides ideas for communicating product value, which can implement with a more detailed marketing plan following the company’s value proposition, essential brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements. From several categories, we can see the differences between B2B and B2C marketing strategies as follows:

  • Decision Making on B2B and B2C

In the category of decision-makers in Business to Business (B2B), various department heads to top C level management approve the purchase of B2B products/services. This process makes purchasing decisions based on skewed toward rational. Presenting the value of the product/service to the customer by attaching the required data to gain the customer’s trust. 

Meanwhile, in B2C, individual customers make their own buying decisions. This matter makes purchasing decisions based on skewed toward emotional. Communicating product/service value with an emotional approach is a strategy that is very suitable in this B2C. Emotional marketing can make the audience feel closer and connected to the brand.

  • Audience Targeting on B2B and B2C

Your target B2B audience is an imaginary organization or group of people who have a specific need for their business that your products and services can solve. Paying attention to the needs of your target audience is very important to be met by your products and services to create a match and interest in each other. You have to highlight the value of the product/service to the target audience.

Business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers have a target audience that is more likely to buy their products or use their services personally or directly for everyday needs. This type of B2C target audience has an urgent need, emphasizing a product or service that aims to cause an emotional response in these consumers. If customers like a product that a business offers, they are more likely to buy it.

  • Customer Relationship on B2B and B2C

B2B marketing focuses on building personal relationships on solid client relationships that drive long-term business. Building relationships and learning about what they need is crucial in building a personal relationship with the target customer. The main goal to promote your product or service is essential, but taking the time to listen and understand what your customers want and need is crucial because knowing each other and understanding the customer is a plus in your sales value.

The goal of B2C marketing is to encourage consumers to know about the product on the company website or e-commerce platform where you sell the product to enable them to buy it. To do this, customers must have a near-perfect customer experience with your website. The critical thing is to encourage customers to have a transactional relationship with your product.

  • Branding on B2B and B2C

In this category, B2B branding is more focused on the positioning. Communicating the Values ​​of your company and products is very important. With B2B marketing, describing where you are positioning yourself in the market and having a shining personality can help drive brand recognition and lead generation. You must have a sharp vision for personality in the market. Being able to tailor your brand to your target audience will help boost your lead generation.

B2C branding aims to create loyalty with customers through emotional closeness and motivate the target audience to buy. This makes B2C Branding closely related to messages that can touch customers’ emotions, such as happiness, empathy, etc. Conveying a credible and motivating message that grabs the customer’s attention is critical to your success. Not only attention, implementing several strategies that can increase customer loyalty is significant in B2C. As Explained by Emarsys, High-quality customer loyalty programs are present in some of the most successful B2C brands.

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